Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A side order of Grace please!

One of the most amazing things about grace is that no matter how badly I mess up, or how often I fail, God's grace never wears out.  I can't use up my quota of His Grace, and that is a very refreshing fact to hear.  And that Grace isn't just amazing, it is enough.  When life is nothing but a storm and I have nothing but problems, Your Grace is sufficient for me.  When I've burned bridges and trashed friendships, Your Grace is sufficient for me.  When I feel all alone, Your Grace is sufficient.  Sufficient means enough, just enough.  No more than needed and no less than needed.  The perfect amount.  There is nothing like a coffee drink that has just the right amount of coffee, milk and flavoring:  too much flavoring and its too sweet; too much coffee and it's too strong; too much milk and it is too bland.  The perfect combination of ingredients makes for the perfect refreshment.  God's grace is the perfect combination of love, forgiveness, mercy and goodness.  Ahhhh, that's good!