Thursday, December 17, 2009

I Celebrate the Day...

I won't lie...I absolutely love Christmas. Some people make fun of me because I start listening to Christmas music on November 1st. Maybe this is a little bit too early, but hey I love Christmas!

The traditions of Christmas are so much fun. Christmas lights, cookies, Christmas specials on tv, Christmas movies, music, snowmen....ok maybe not in Arizona. But the season has just a joy about it that I completely love.

But the reason I most enjoy Christmas is because of Jesus. In fact, its all about Jesus. God came down to our level, God the father sent His Son on Christmas......or actually in the spring, but we celebrate it on December 25th. God's ultimate plan for our redemption, was put into action when a virgin who was pledged to be married to a carpenter, found out she was pregnant. The baby was from the Holy Spirit and was going to be the fulfillment of all the prophesies, yes the Messiah was coming. Mary treasured all the events of Jesus' life in her heart, and Joseph was obedient to God even when he didn't completely understand what was going on.

Salvation came down in the form of a baby, who was born in a most humble way. There was no room for Him in the inn. No room for the Messiah, the Savior of the World in the inn. Have you thought about how ironic this is? Is there room for Jesus in your Christmas this year? Or is it just too full with finals, shopping, hustle and bustle? Jesus was born and the angels in heaven went wild! They appeared to some lowly shepherds who were out with their flocks in the nearby country side. It was a quiet peaceful night, and ironically (once again), angels interrupted the peace of the night with news of peace for all mankind! The Savior is born in Bethlehem and he will be for all people! All people, not just the rich, or the educated, or the jews; for all the people! For you and for me. Joy to the world, everything is different for all time. The redemption of our sinful lives has come. And 30 some years later it would culminate in the sacrifice of this pure, spotless lamb....the bread without levin. Jesus was crucified, sacrificed on our behalf and on the third day he rose. And death was defeated once and for all for those who believe. So, I celebrate the day that He was born to die, so that one day I might pray for Him to save my life (Relient K). Merry Christmas! -Matt