Monday, June 25, 2012

Divine Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:6-12

Earthly wisdom, doesn't necessarily equal God's wisdom.  In fact, God's wisdom is foolishness to the world; earthly wisdom is foolish to God.

Sometimes I feel like we don't belong. Like, this is not our permanent home.  WE are on this earth, for only a short while...we are just passing through on our way to our final destination.  So how should that affect how we live our daily lives?  How should that affect our priorities; what we put value and effort into?   How should that affect what we are passionate about?

With the Holy Spirit as our guide, God will reveal the secret,....the majesty of His wisdom to us.  He will reveal his plan a portion at a time; just enough for what we need in the moment.  He guides us in His perfect will, majestically and deliberately adding color and purpose to our life.  When we seek wisdom...when we seek purpose....when we seek fulfillment apart from God and his falls flat:  guaranteed.  Apart from God it's pointless.  We will frustrate ourselves; we will bang our heads against the walls of our world in futility, because without the secret wisdom of God, we are lost.  But the cool thing is that we are all privy to the secret, it is unlocked for all who   will believe, who will let go of the stranglehold they have on their life, and let the God of the Universe be the God of their universe.

When you surrender, you gain a better foothold; when you quit, you win!