Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Stop and Pray

Stop and Pray

I have a bad habit of letting moments pass by. I know what I'm supposed to do or maybe what I ought to do; and I let it slip by without taking action. It's a defect, a shadow of the sin nature that I try to shake daily, but to no avail without the power of Christ. But with every failure, I learn, understand and recognize God's gentle nudging a little bit better. What is the common denominator of all of these failures, of my missed opportunities with God's nudging, you may ask? Prayer. I need to stop and pray. I feel it clearly from the Lord but much of the time I balk; I seize up. Maybe I don't want to inconvenience the person, or maybe I simply don't want to inconvenience me...I have many excuses, none of them good. I am being disobedient! And I can tell them I will pray for them, but let's be honest I forget and I let the moment sail by with my good intentions worth about as much as monopoly money on wall street.

I am my biggest critic, I admit it, but I'm too convicted on this topic not to change. I must stop and pray. You told me your having a ba day, from now on when I hear that, I am stopping what I'm doing and I'm praying. And I hope it blesses you, but it's not so I feel extra spiritual, it's an act of obedience. I'm called to intercede for you, to go into the trenches of spiritual warfare for you and pray. When? Now! I will stop and pray...now! The moment to pray is now. Jesus healed in the moment, he prayed in the moment, he taught in the moment. He didn't tell people he would heal them in a few days, he did it right then. My offensive weapon, my tool to bless others and further his kingdom is prayer. And I will stop and pray, now.