Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Close Encounters

We have been doing this series on "Close Encounters of the Divine Kind," all about being close to God. It's really the basic goal of any follower of be close to Him. Sometimes it feels like He is a million miles away; or a better way to put it is we are a million miles away from Him and where we need to be. John Ortberg likens it to the dude named Waldo. In the beloved children's books, "Where's Waldo," every page of every book is full of action. There are crazy things going on, filling the entire page. In every single page Waldo is there....somewhere. But you have to go and find him. Sometimes its easy to find Waldo, on other pages its quite difficult, but he is guaranteed to be on every page. It's like that with God. He is on every page of our life, waiting to be found by us. He desires for us to be close to Him, to have an intimate relationship with the God of the universe. Can you even imagine an invitation like that coming to us? I know that I am flawed, I am a sinner, with many short-comings and bad habits. But the God of the universe still desires for me to know Him and know Him well. He knows me well! He knew me completely before I was even knit together in my mother's womb. He knew my passions and my talents and the deepest desires of my heart long before I did. God is amazing and His love is vast...and He wants us to know Him.

In His Grip,

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