Thursday, January 26, 2012

Salt and Light

Matthew 5:13-16

I am what you might call a "salt-aholic." I love salt. If it's too salty for you, its probably just right for me: popcorn, french fries, soup...I have to have salt on it. This isn't always a good thing, because too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and a number of other health problems down the road. So I have to monitor my salt intake. But Jesus makes a great point about adds flavor! Without flavor, food is bland and inedible. I have endured many a stale bag of popcorn, just because the salt made it more bearable. But what happens when salt loses it's saltiness? Is it worth anything at all?! Not really, you would just throw that type of salt in the trash can.

Jesus says that we are the salt of the earth. As Christ followers we contain the knowledge of the one thing that will preserve us beyond this life to eternity. We have the love, grace and peace that the world is so desperate for. Our words need to be seasoned with the love and grace of Jesus Christ, because the world is desperate for a life that is full and abundant and not just bland and hallow.

Jesus also says that we are the light of the world. Have you ever been in complete darkness? I can't see your hand in front of your face from an inch away...complete darkness? In that moment when you strike a match or turn on the back-light of your cell phone, the darkness starts to scatter and you can see more and more. It is like that with Christians in this world. Let you light shine, live a life that reflects the light of Christ.

The world is desperate for light and desperate for salt. Jesus says we are both salt and light. Don't let your light dim and your salt lose its saltiness. Be different, live live righteously and purposefully to make a difference in this world hungry for meaning.

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