Thursday, April 4, 2013

Aching for Heaven

The idea of turning 30 later this year is starting to sink in as reality. Thirty is not old, but it has caused me to look down the barrel of my own mortality. And the longer I live, the longer I see pain and the more loved ones I see pass away....some tragic, some a relief because of chronic pain through the years. What I have gained through witnessing first hand the fragility if life, is an aching and a longing for heaven.

"To live is Christ and to die is gain ," the apostle Paul once penned.  The gain of eternity with Jesus...where there is no more pain, no more dying, no more tears...will be an amazing happy ever after. Life on earth is a reminder that the best is yet to come and that their will be a wonderful reunion in heaven with those who we lost here on earth.

So the meantime; I will love intentionally and will love with reckless abandon. I will play on the carpet with my kids more, complain less and go out if my way to serve the least I these. Jesus will call me home when it is time, but until then, I will bring more of my heavenly home to earth by loving like Christ first loved me.

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